Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back for More

Today's thought: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and self-conscious.

Well, well, well, looks like it's Tuesday again. It's amazing how God uses events in our lives to shape us. I feel very much like something that has been shaped, sometimes violently ground down, sometimes carefully molded. I am broken and reformed, added to and taken away from.

I often think about what a neurotic mess I would be if I really thought that I was, ultimately, in control of things. Having the assurance that God, ultimately, is in control of everything and that everything he allows to happen is a learning experience and a way to grow as a person is one of the greatest comforts in life. I'm not talking about ignoring the responsibilities that we all have or fatalism. I'm talking faith and assurance and how much of a stress-reliever true belief is.

I'm gonna go enjoy Tuesday, you go enjoy Tuesday too.


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