Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good ole Days

Gotta get the oil changed after school today. Looks like I'll be leaving football practice early. Oh yeah, gotta pick up the dog too. Sometimes my thoughts become a list of what I need to do. Like what happened just now. This is not a creative mindset. You can't write anything good when you are thinking about putting the lightbulb in the garage door opener. Believe me I've tried.

So...this Mountain Dew should get me through first period and the first half of practice. After that, I'm on my own.

Remember the good ole days? I bet alot of you who read this are thinking about the same times as I am. Or not. But really, when the good ole days were happening, I wasn't thinking about them as especially good, and they weren't old at the time since they were in the present when they happend. It's an interesting process, getting all wistful over the past and things that happened then. At least for me, my memory seems to gloss over the parts that weren't so good. Now I'm rambling.

Get back to me in 10 years and we can talk about how today was one of the good ole days.

PS-32 is the new 22

PPS-Ricker, sorry for not believing you about the Safety Dance. You were right all along.


Joe said...

it allways seems the grass is greener in the future or the past. Dan and I were talking about a year before he went to glory and he said "if you are so concerned with the desires and cares right now you will miss the ministry God has for you in that hour and day." not a direct qoute but that is the spirit of the quote.

David said...

I miss the good 'ole days too. Wait. . .what were my good ole days? Shouldn't I be experiencing them right now!!?!

I lost it. Nothing witty to say. oh well....

Chuck said...

Ah the good ole days... Where have they gone?

Ricky said...

Well at the time I could not remember the name of the song. I could see how my description of the video would seem like a made up story. Apology accepted. lol