I had a pretty relaxing weekend. Snorkled a bit in the pool. Had to make sure the gear was working properly before going out "shark slappin" in the briny deep. I got some really nice equipment for Christmas and this week was my first real chance to try it out.

The scare of the weekend had to be almost having to go to a baby shower! I know! Well, the estrogen levels were stifling when I entered the house, and then I saw the "crafts table". My wife, being the wonderful and sweet person that she is, allowed me to leave after a few introductions and re-introductions and hand shakes.
Then I ate Taco Bell and played basketball for two hours (I don't recommend that by the way). The guys at the court were all "illegal screens" and " you carried the ball". I scoffed at their weak calls and questioned their manhood demanding that they abide by the laws of streetball and stop calling ticky-tack-baby-fouls that they only called when the game was close. My stomach hurt because of the T-Bell and I put my toe through the front of my left Jordan, but still managed to only lose 1 game (of course they wouldn't let us warm up).
Pistons play tonight. It's all on the backcourt now. If Billups and Hamilton can get into the flow of the offense it shouldn't be that hard to win. Last game it looked like the Pistons walked through the game. They didn't trap LeBron as hard as they had in the first two games and so he ran wild. By the way, I don't hate LeBron but I do hate how every commentator/analyst is all up ons. "Will LeBron do this. Will LeBron do that. How much toothpaste does LeBron use? LeBron, will you pass score or serve Pan-Asian cuisine to the fans during the game."
I'm all LeBron'd out.
taco bell and basketball? Flip flop goes the stomach just thinking about it. On the other hand it is better than a baby shower by far. Close call there....for sure:)
Man, I hate weak, hairless basketball players. They need to be on the receiving end of a Rene Mertes foul - then they'll know what "foul" means, boy.
I took my girl to the game Thurs, it was sweetness, but maddening. LeBron was out of his friggin mind, while Det just let him do his thing.
Where's the Jordan rules defence?
I miss Larry Brown...
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