Friday, November 16, 2007

Stop Frontin

I'm tired of people QQing about how bad Christians are.

I'm tired of the generalities they make while at the same time patting each other on the back for their "tolerance" of others. If you're tolerant to homosexuals but think Christians in general are narrow minded idiots who are incredibly naive you're still just a much a bigot as the guy with the sign that reads, "I hate gays". Just because christian bashing is more socially acceptable than gay bashing doesn't make it right and it doesn't make you a champion of freedom and tolerance. It makes you just another bigot. Stop playin yourselves.

I'm sorry a pastor/deacon/Sunday school teacher you know/knew is/was a jackass. Lots of people are jackasses. Lots of jackasses go to church and some become pastors. Sorry, but stop QQing over it. Move on. If one person who happened to rise to a position of "power" in a church abused their authority and because of that you're "just not sure your a christian anymore" maybe your right. Maybe it's time to be honest and really examine what you believe is true.

Oh, and relativists, it's so easy to say that good and bad are relative until bad things start happening to you and/or your family. Then I bet you want those bad things to stop happening to you and yours, not "relatively bad things" unequivocally bad things. Nothing is relative, stop deluding yourselves into thinking that your reality is not your neighbor's reality because if your not careful, in the future,
whoever has the biggest gun will determine your reality for you.

"Jesus was a radical teacher who shook things up." Yeah and so was Lucifer, the first real revolutionary. Before him no one had ever thought of disobeying God, what a free-thinker. Be careful who you compare Jesus to or who you say is acting like Jesus.

The world is full of wonder and the world is full of crap. Let's try not to get the two confused.


David said...

Amen! Preach it! Good stuff.

michael said...

Wow, talk about bringing it. Excellent post.