Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve 7:06

My entire Puerto Rican family came over from Miami for Christmas this year since my wife is unable to travel due to the baby. As I write they are sitting in the living room watching what I can only decribe as Latino Musica videos. These videos are not the MTV run of videos but more akin to watching Sinatra or Tony Bennet in concert (on dvd). Since I probably wouldn't watch Sinatra or Tony Bennet on DvD (actually there are precious few musicians I would watch on dvd) and I understand what they are saying due to English being my mother tongue I decided to take a break from the festivities and blog a little bit. Have no fear though my Spanish is improving poco y poco (little by little and I can follow a conversation now and at least get the gist of it.

We put an addition on our house in order to make more room for baby William and after Christmas I will be moving the computer and our mini-library to the new study. It's supposed to be in the mid 70's tomorrow. I have been in Florida since 2000 and I have never gotten used to the Christmas season down here. "Dashing through the grass," never worked for me and it never will. Ah well, you take the good with the bad. No black ice, no sleet, no slush, no "warming up the car" it's a fair trade off.

I've seen Mike and Tim back online and it warms my heart. Not that they are playing video games but that I get to talk with them and interact with them a little more even if it is in a limited way.

After the music videos we are going to a party at Frank's house. Frank is the guy who put in our new floors and the addition to our house. He is a friend of the family and a great guy. After the party we are coming back to the house for...more latino music videos and then who knows.

Well, I'm off for more frivolity and fun, talk you all later.


Phil Lowe said...

Merry Christmas!
Didn't know you were doing an addy to the house..congrats!

Yeah I'd take 'Dashing through the grass..' over snow any day.

Brook Trout Designs said...

I hope the New Year finds you full of happiness and prose.

Your New Year resolution should be to thank your wife daily for marrying you. That was her gift for you - The gift of marrying someone out of your league.


Trust me, Phil and I are in the same boat.

Here's to a New Year and a book for you and perhaps and chapter or two for Phil and I.