Wednesday, September 3, 2008


-Seems like the internet used to be more fun. Now I just get on to do my banking, read my e-mail, check blogs and read about sports news. Actually, I do alot on the net. Maybe I'm just so used to the internet now that it's not fun anymore. I remember when Al Gore invented the internet. It was a great day for America.

-I've been thinking alot about my past. It's been fun. I've known alot of really cool people. Though, I don't know if I have been the best friend. In fact I know I haven't.

-You know, it's hard to see yourself as you really are. Mental clarity of self, I think, is one of the greatest things anyone can possess.

-Everyday I drive into Tampa to work and I think about growing up in Roscommon, a town of, what, 800 people? I pass more people than that on my daily commute. It was a good place to grow up though.

-I never thought I would live in a home with granite countertops. I didn't even know granite countertops existed until I was in my late 20's. Now I'm a countertop snob!


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