Sunday, June 15, 2008


I've got a new blog up, Titan.

I'll post material from my new manuscript for your comments.

Stop by and take a read when you get a chance.


David said...

First, I read everything you blog, all the time. Usually daily. So it is getting read.

The only other thing I would say right now, is I have heard publishers are less anxious to publish if they know it has been online at some point. I don't know how true it is, but that is what I have heard.

But it sounds like its going well, and I'm already anxious for the storyline.

VanSneak said...


Yeah, I've heard of the perils of posting stuff online as well. I probably won't be posting any text directly from the manuscipt on the site. I e-mail those out like with Chosen. I will be posting teasers, some select texts to keep interest up while I'm working on the first draft.

michael said...

I'm coming back. I'll try to read everyone's daily, again. or at least, every other day. I miss you guys.

VanSneak said...

YES! We missed you Mike!