Friday, June 26, 2009

Kickin' it Old School

In the mid 90's this is what it was all about. Notice the impressive decor the London House was best known for. That pie was awesome, that I can tell you. Also, notice in the background of the third pic a certain couple snuggling on the "oh so comfy" couch.

RIP Fish tank.

Thanks to Brian for the pics.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dominican Republic

The DR was an amazing experience. I had never been in a place of such abject poverty.

SCORE Intl. handled the trip and our lodging and meals. We brought two boy's basketball teams, the varsity girl's team, a baseball team and a soccer team. The basic format was we would play games and then give the Gospel in between games or at the the end of the day. It was the first time that the school had ever brought girls and our girls were great both on the court and while interacting with the locals.

The pic. above was taken in a sugar cane village. The occupants were mostly Haitian refugees.We brought them food and clothing but we had to leave without giving out everything when the crowd got too rowdy. The boy in the picture's named Alejandro. Thanks to my wife and in-laws I spoke enough Spanish to get by.

The trip really helped me get my priorities straight and to appreciate what I have and where I live. I could be riding a scooter through the crowded streets of Santo Domingo with my wife and child on the back wondering what we are going to eat for our one meal of the day.

I definitely see my life differently since I got back.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Summer is finally here. Tomorrow will be the first day back at home after a week or so of vacation.

Michigan was very nice. It is always good to see my family and spend some time with those that I only get to see once a year. The weather was colder than I expected getting down into the 40's at night. I don't remember June being that cold growing up but I have become acclimated to Florida and so maybe it was and I was just used to it.

I am currently reading "Too Late the Phalarope" by Alan Paton and I just finished "Demons Don't Dream" by Piers Anthony. Wildly different books, I know. "Demons Don't Dream" may be Phils and not mine. Phil, please let me know if it is yours so that I can return it.

I think my summer schedule will look something like this:

1-Get up, breakfast, work out

2-Chores and errands

3-Writing and/or editing





8-Write and/or edit



Of course that is all subject to change. My posts have become info-dumps as of late. But at the moment I am tired and can't think of anything witty and/or interesting to say.

Goodnight for now.