Friday, August 7, 2009

August Rush

-It's almost over. Or is it about to begin?

-I am concerned that I will not be able to keep up the quality/quantity of my writing during the school year. It takes a lot of time. I wrote for 2.5 hours today and I feel like I barely did anything manuscript wise.

-I also learned this summer that I cannot write all day or for very long really. You can't write for 8 hours like a normal job. For me, quality takes a nose dive after about the 3.5 hour mark. I found if I kept it to 2.5-3 hours per day I was hungry to get at it again the next day and I didn't have to revise as much.

-Cliches are evil. I try to weed them out by not going with my first impulse for an idea. "Wait, what if the antagonist is really the protagonist's father...ah, nevermind."

-I haven't been reading as much as I thought I would be this summer. Well, reading other authors that is. Been reading a lot actually.

-The new Harry Potter was good. I think they get better every time. Or maybe I can't remember the last one by the time the new one comes out.

-Speaking of father-son cliches, William is trying to start a little Rebellion of his own against my already established housewide Empire. I had to use the force against his bottom a few times lately.

-Need capital to start t-shirt company already have text for first shirt planned: "Excuse Me I Just Tweeted." Oh, look out Twitter users! That's my idea btw and I will sue anyone who attempts to steal it. Also in the wings: "Does Your Facebook Hurt?" on the front "'Cause it's Killin' Me!" on the back. BAM!

-The graphics for Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec have not aged well. I found myself squinting at a wall of pixels trying to make out if there was a curve coming up. I still love my PS2.

-One more: "OBAMAMA JEANS: Stylish Enough For Your Mom, But Made For A President." Cause remember when the President threw out the first pitch at the All Star Game? And he wore those jeans? "Mom jeans". Uh huh, I'm stickin' it to the man. Or am I the man?

-Please do not send this blog post to the White House under the heading "fishy e-mails" Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Great t-shirt ideas. I'll front the cash if you'll name the company after me. Fair, right?

David said...

August rush is about to begin.

well...the first time i read it I thought you said please forward this to the white house, instead of do not. So if you get calls...its not my fault.

I think its a good plot twist for the antagonist to be the father of the pro. . .but then again, i know nothing about writing.

Actually, those types of cliches seem really hard to define to me. How often does it need to occur to be unusable? Or is it how recognized it is? If I am aware of an instance I find it hard to use. Then I'm stuck because I can't even have a hero...there are heros in every story. lol

David said...

I find it funny that you blogged twice on the weekend I have no internet and then I see you and ask all the stuff you already blogged about...oh well.

thisgirl said...

It's Sept.