Wednesday, September 9, 2009


-My life is so full of school right now that it seems like I have about a half an hour between the time I get home and the time I go to bed.

-Writing is hit and miss which is not good.

-College football makes my heart sing, so there is that.

-Michigan plays Notre Dame this weekend. Go Blue! Definitely looking forward to that.

-I haven't been doing much but work. I don't read much these days. If I have spare time I write. I guess that counts as reading since I'm reading what I am typing. Ok, maybe not.

-Right now all I can think of is 'tired' and 'it feels really good to sit down'. Probably not the best time to blog. But I've been under a lot of blogging pressure lately and then Angie's crack about the month of August being over...=p

-Let me do a quick "First Glance" of the University of Michigan Football Team

-Freshman QB's: Overachieved. Impressive Big House debut for Forcier and Robinson. Forcier's poise was encouraging and Robinson's 43 yard TD run was amazing. His speed from a standing stop was jaw-dropping.

-Recievers: Hello there Junior Hemingway, nice catches. What's that? You had five catches for 103 yards and two touchdowns? Nice. Also, love Kevin Koger's hands. He had some moments last year at TE. Look for more of the same this year.

-The Running Game: Hopefully Brandon Minor can join Carlos Brown in the backfield this Saturday and keep the QB's from hogging all the ground gains.

-Defense: Fast, strong and aggressive. Looked great, played great. Nearly earned that hoped for shut out. Graham and Ezeh are stalwarts at DE and LB respectively and true Freshman Craig Roh looked good in his first outing. I also have to give a shout out to Donovan Warren the Junior CB who will have to shut down those Irish recievers on Saturday.

-Heh, Irish Reciever, sounds like an expensive hunting dog.


1 comment:

thisgirl said...

Don't mind me...I'm jobless and have nothing better to do than bother people who do have a life:)